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The 3rd Quarter 2024
The purpose of this program and those linked to it isto provide evidence to open-minded, thinking people that God does exist — that the Bible is his word and that science and belief in God are compatible. The author of this material is a former atheist who came to belief in God through science. He was a science teacher specializing in physics and earth science. It is our contention that those who deny the existence of God have either not seen the evidence, or have embraced bad science and/or bad theology in making science and faith enemies. In addition to the quarterly journal to the left, the Does God Exist? program offers DVDs, CDs, courses, books, and other materials. Our booklets, sheets, and many things online are free. Our books and video materials are available at our cost or on loan — please see our catalog. We are only interested in evidence and education — not in a religious, theological, or philosophical debate. We do not pretend to have all the answers, but for over 40 years we have been presenting evidence at university programs, town meetings, and in printed and audio/video materials. We invite your questions and will do our best to help you find constructive answers. |
The Does God Exist?
Dandy Designs is our site showing examples of and design in nature. |
Why Pain and Suffering? is our site dealing with ..pain and suffering in the lives of believers and ..nonbelievers alike. |
Does God Exist? is our download/viewing site for ..our videos. |
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For those interested in donating to the Does God Exist? program, this link will help. |
Picture credit:
Cover: © lesichkadesign/