2. Read Isaiah 45:7. Why does this passage not contradict question 1?
3. Are angels subject to time or are they outside of time? Explain your answer.
4. An angel wrestled with Jacob (Genesis 32:22-32). How could it be that an angel could do such a thing?
5. Mark 12:25 says we will become as angels. How? When?
6. Give an example of stories made up by man that deal with the struggle between good and evil (movie or book).
7. What is meant by saying “man is a free moral agent?”
8. Why is it important that man be a “free moral agent?” What
could not exist if we were not?
9. What would happen if God prevented bad things from ever happening to man?
10. Read The Problem of Human Suffering for this lesson. What use can suffering be in the lives of Christians?
Please add any questions on this course of study that have not been answered so we can take care of any remaining ideas that are not clear in your mind.
The easiest way to complete these questions is to copy and paste the questions to a word processing program (Word, WordPerfect, Notepad, etc.). Once you finish answering the questions, e-mail the questions/answers to John N. Clayton as a text e-mail, NOT as an attachment or HTML format. We will not accept any e-mail containing attachments. Leave spaces between each question and answer. The answers will be graded and commented on and returned to you.