Announcing a New
CD and Audio Cassette Series

The entire lecture series by John Clayton is now available on audio cassette tapes and CDs--redone and updated--28 lessons on 14 CDs or audio cassettes. Available on loan or at cost. Send your request to:
 John Clayton
 1555 Echo Valley Dr.
 Niles, MI 49120.

Name _________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________

City ___________________________ St _______ Zip __________
(Province) (Postal Code)

Please ship to me the following materials. For purchases, please
enclose check or money order.

______28 programs on 14 CDs @$40/set. If you decide not to keep
them, we will give you a refund.

______28 programs on 14 cassettes @$40/set. If you decide not to
keep them, we will give you a refund.

______Loan of CDs_____ or audio cassette tapes_____one at a time. We
will send the next one when you return the first one.

______Albums for CDs (one album holds all 14 CDs) @$5 each

______Albums for cassette tapes (3 albums hold 18 tapes) @$5/set

Back to Contents Does God Exist?, JanFeb04.