Making a New Vow
by Joseph Warren Kniskern,
Broadman and Holman Publishers,
127 Ninth Avenue North MSN 143,
Nashville TN 37234-0143, ISBN: 080542616-7
Several years ago we reviewed a book by this same author that was titled When the Vow Breaks. The author is a victim of divorce and has taken on the ministry of helping people who have gone through the trauma of divorce. Not only has he been through the agony of divorce himself, but he is an attorney and thus understands the legal complications and procedures in divorce. He also has recovered from his divorce and has remarried and started a new family. This book draws upon the Bible, his experiences, and common sense.
In this book what Kniskern concerns himself with is the recovery of someone who has gone through divorce and specifically how a person approaches a new relationship and marriage. The book starts out discussing the biblical concept of marriage and divorce and how those in the divorce situation should answer the question of whether God would want them to remarry. The remainder of the book discusses practical matters of family, children, finances, religious identity, and practical aspects of the home. The approach is kind, concerned, biblical, logical, and workable. It is a handbook to successful living and is not concerned about issues or religious arguments. For those who are divorced, this book will be very useful.
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