The Gay Debate
by Stanton L. Jones, InterVarsity Press,
ISBN 0-87784-093-8
This book is actually a tract, being only 31 small pages in length. We feature it as a book because we feel it is perhaps the most useful thing to come out on the issue of homosexuality in a very long time. Stanton Jones is the chair of the psychology department at Wheaton College. He answers three questions in this booklet: (1) What is the Christian position on homosexuality and why? (2) Why is it an important issue? and (3) How should we live out our response?
Jones begins by a quick review of how gay activists handle various biblical passages. Included are Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Deuteronomy 23:18; Genesis 19; Romans 1; 1 Corinthians 6:9; and Timothy 1:10. He responds to these and then presents the biblical concept of what sexual intercourse is supposed to be in God's plan. A discussion of whether God's plan is fair to gays with several quotes from gay activists relating to the wisdom of monogamy and whether it fits the gay agenda. The remainder of the book deals with the Christian community's response to these issues and what should happen in this area of work.
This is a very useful book for Christians who are in discussions with people promoting homosexuality. It is not homophobic, but does not condone homosexuality either. Because of its brevity, it is not a dissertation on the gay issue, but it has useful insights and is accurate and biblical. The aggressiveness of gay activists has caused a great deal of polarization both in the gay community and in the religious community. A lot of statements are being made about the Bible and about homosexuality that are not accurate and do not really address the problems involved. For many people this has been very disturbing. This booklet will not solve all of that, but it is a very useful tool to use in trying to improve dialogue and provide better understanding of both sides of the issue. There are also a number of references given for additional material that those who are interested in this area will find useful.
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