Three Books on
by Timothy Gordon
Available from the author at 11898 W. Goldenrod Dr., Boise, ID 83713
e-mail: tgordon57@msn.com
Timothy Gordon is the assistant director of the Biblical
Studies Center at Boise State in Boise, Idaho. He has been in several
of our training programs over the years, and is beginning a ministry in
apologetics. He has published three works in the area of apologetics
which he is privately publishing. All three works are heavily
documented, survey type works and contain useful quotes and approaches.
They cost $4.00 each in bulk orders of ten or more. The three works are:
The Cosmological Argument for the
Existence of God: Traditional Arguments, Criticisms, and New Directions—This
details the arguments that have been made in cosmology and
how experts have responded to those arguments.
The Nature and Problem of Moral Evil:
A Review and Analysis Toward Constructing a Biblical Theodicy—This
gives quotes of a variety of philosophers and theologians
on the problem of evil and solutions to that issue.
Dictionary of 10 Biblical
Interpretation Methods—A 58-page book with discussions of the
history of religions, feminist, and postcolonial hermeneutics, and
seven criticisms—source, form, redaction, rhetorical, canon, narrative,
and reader-response.
We recommend these books for theology and philosophy students who want
a good introduction to the three subject areas with a survey of major
writers in the fields covered. This is an academic series for serious
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Does God Exist?, JanFeb10.