Cynthia's title

John was asked to return to Scotland last July to do Does God Exist? lectures in three cities and a youth camp. We were glad to be able to go.

Our first experience there was with the youth camp. It was inspiring to see the young people from across Scotland growing in their relationship to God and to each other. Those friendships they develop at camp can last a lifetime and often become the backbone of the Church in the future. In fact, John and I were impressed with the unity and closeness of the body of Christ in Scotland. The members we spent time with know and support each other across the country. One of the reasons for this may be because they are so outnumbered by the nonbelievers and their message is generally rejected by a population that mostly has disdain for organized religion. The whole country is a mission field.

Cynthia's photoWhen we were in Dundee, I was handing out leaflets in the early evening on Saturday and almost everyone that I talked to was intoxicated or on their way to the pub to get that way. Many of the beautiful cathedrals have been turned into restaurants, night clubs, banks, or pubs (see John’s article). It seems that organized religion has been so violent and divisive in the past that people cannot get beyond their national history to see the biblical message of love and unity that Jesus taught and lived. I think that the lesson for Christians is to preach only Jesus and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 1:23) — and to live as if we really believe it!
— Cynthia Clayton

Photo: Patty Gibson

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