We do not want to demean or
minimize these projects in any way, but they are classic examples of
westernizing the biblical account. As you look at this picture of this
ark replica you see a very attractive ship. The boards that make up the
ship are carefully cut, planed, and smoothed. They are fitted together
beautifully and are carefully cut and sanded to fit in an attractive
way. We have no way of knowing when the Flood occurred, but suppose we
accept the traditional date of 5,700 years ago even though 9,000 to
12,000 years ago is more reasonable. What kind of tools were available?
How was wood cut and used? Copper was used as a metal somewhere around
2,500 B.C., but smoothing, sanding, nailing and other processing of
wood was a long way off. The hundred years of work by Noah takes on a
different meaning if you realize that modern tools were not available
when he did his construction.