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Loosed & Forgiven
by Buck Griffith, New Life Behavior Ministries, © 2020
158 pages (paperback), $14.95, ISBN-13: 978-0-9843758-7-5

We have been working with incarcerated men and women since 1960. Building a prison ministry is a challenge, but it is much needed. I cannot tell you how many times I have had a prisoner say to me, “My life is over; nothing matters anymore.” This is especially true of black men and women in prison.
One of the heroes of prison ministries is a man named Buck Griffith. He has been responsible for the conversion of literally thousands of prisoners. Not only has Buck done one-on-one work in the prisons, but he also started a program to help people with drug problems. The program called New Life Behavior Ministries features Christians Against Substance Abuse (CASA) and provides psychological help and support for prisoners.
There is a desperate need for Christians to get involved in helping families and individuals whose lives have been upended. Buck has released this book titled Loosed & Forgiven to help individuals and churches build a prison ministry. This 158-page book has 12 chapters. The titles of the chapters tell you about its content: Getting Started; A Planned Approach; A Few Things About Crime; Materials, and Tools; Wardens and Chaplains; Ministering to Females (two chapters); Addiction Recovery; Funding the Ministry; Follow Up on Those Released; Sex Offenders; Writing to Prisoners.
Prison ministry can be frustrating, and you should not underestimate Satan's influence. When Satan has had his way with a man or woman, helping that person change life-course is an incredibly rewarding ministry. Buck Griffith has opened the door to building a prison ministry with this book. Congregations or individuals who want to help meet a great need can use it as a guide to get involved.