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The Reasons to Believe Science Apologetics Certificates

by Dr. Timothy Gordon,<br>Intermountain Institute for Religion, Science & Culture,
© 2021,Kindle $9.99, Paperback, $19.99, 271 pages, ISBN-13: 9798593653673

The book cover

Reasons to Believe (RTB) is the most aggressive apologetics program not tied to young earth theology. This organization has a large staff led by Hugh Ross, who has a Ph.D. in astronomy. We have previously reviewed some of Ross's excellent books. In recent years, RTB has added five research scholars and over 20 visiting scholars and has engaged in the writing of over 1,500 articles and over 26 books.

One project of RTB is the production of science apologetics certificate programs. Their certificate programs attempt to address the lack of scientific literacy of Christians.

Dr. Timothy Gordon is a retired Navy Commander with some 30 years of service, and we have known him for many years. He holds a doctorate in Christian apologetics and worked as a manufacturing and clinical data analyst for almost 25 years. Timothy has written this book as a part of his requirements for a Doctor of Ministry degree at Southern Evangelical Seminary in Matthews, North Carolina.

This book has 257 pages and will be of particular interest to anyone who may be considering studying for a certificate from Reasons to Believe. The book has seven chapters, with the last one giving conclusions and recommendations. The two appendices contain a survey and a copy of the James Engle Spiritual Decision-Making Model.

This book covers in positive ways all that the RTB program attempts to do with biblical and scientific literacy. More than that, it provides valuable suggestions for church leaders and many resources for anyone involved in church education. We recommend it highly to preachers, elders, church educational directors, and Christian colleges.