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Testable Faith
by Fazale Rana, Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, Jeff Zweerink,
Reasons to Believe publisher, © 2022,
$21.95 paperback, 134 pages, ISBN-13: 978-1-956112-02-3
A scientific theory must be testable, and skeptics often argue that Christian faith is not testable. This book, written by four scholars, challenges that idea. Philosopher-theologian Kenneth Samples deals with the question, “Isn't Faith Incompatible with Reason?” He asserts, “A well-reasoned faith stands a better chance of enduring disturbances and overcoming challenges.” In the chapter “If God Created Everything, Then Who Created God?” he explains why that question engages in a category error “like asking what the musical note D smells like.”
Astrophysicist Hugh Ross in “Creation of the Cosmos,” examines the Hebrew words in the Genesis creation account. The Bible uses the verb bara (create), only with God as the subject. Scientific evidence supports the assertion of Genesis 1:1 that the universe had a beginning outside of time and space. In “Why Such a Vast Universe?” he explains how science has shown why advanced life requires an enormous cosmos.
In “The Origin and Design of the Universe,” astrophysicist Jeff Zweerink explains why “the theistic worldview provides the best explanation of our scientific understanding of the universe.” In his essay “Would the Discovery of ET Disprove Christianity and Must ET Exist?” Zweerink explains that Earth has all the complex requirements for life, but finding life on other bodies in space would not disprove God's existence.
Biochemist Fazale Rana gives “A Biological Case for the Creator.” He explains that biochemical systems are information systems and “the hallmark features of the cell's chemical systems are identical to what we would expect” if they had been designed. He describes the failures of “chemical evolution.”
Finally, Fazale Rana and Kenneth Samples present “A Case for the Image of God.” They say the exceptional qualities of humans cannot be explained by naturalistic evolution. Our moral and spiritual components, mental capacity, and ability to relate to God, ourselves, and others all reflect God's image.
This book explains why “the biblical creation model is more plausible and better fits the facts ... than other models.” It is testable and “can be assessed by empirical evidence.” We recommend this book to those who want to defend the faith against “scientific” arguments.