Blessings of an Adopted Child
by Ray Mack
Thompson & Durwood Montgomery, www.raymack.com,
2009, 50 minutes, $10.00 (DVD), email: raymack@mac.com
We have mentioned a number of times in
this journal that adoption is a special act of love that flies in the
face of mindless evolution and natural selection. If the
sociobiological explanation of life is accepted — that all we are here
to do is to promote our genes by whatever method is available — then
adoption does not make sense. In the animal world, such a statement
does not always work, but in humans it does not work at all. Your
writer has been blessed to have three adopted children, and the joy and
love that has come through that experience has been one of the biggest
blessings in my life.
Ray Thompson has articulated this concept in a number of materials that
show it well and share his personal experience. His materials will be
especially helpful to adoptees and adoptive parents. You can see his
material on http://vimeo.com/7989085 (several women in the group were
adopted and several gave up their children for adoption) or see his Web
site at www.raymack.com.
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Does God Exist?, JulAug10.