In 1968 when the Does God Exist? program began, we
to get our ideas and material into a book that we could loan to
or make available to adults at a low cost ($3.00 at that time). The
dealt with cosmology, evolution, the nature of God, which God is real,
and all the issues we try to deal with in our lecture programs and
This book has been revised four times with major sections added each
it was revised. We have just finished a new version of the book which
completely different than the old editions, and has been further
by our friend and coworker Nils Jansma who helped write sections and
material that I felt I needed help with. This version of the book is
at a significantly higher level than the previous editions which were
an 8th grade reading level. Unlike our previous editions which we had
ourselves, this version of The Source: Creation--Eternal Design or
Accident? has been printed by Howard Publishing and will be sold in
hardback form through bookstores with a retail price of $19.95. Howard
Publishing has printed a paperback version for us to use which we will
make available in the same way we have the previous editions for our
which will be $6.00 ppd. You can order either hardback or paperback
from us by using the form on page 31. The book may also be borrowed
this form.
The Source: Creation--Eternal Design or Infinite Accident?
Please make check payable to Dowagiac Church of Christ
Mail to John Clayton, 1555 Echo Valley Dr., Niles MI 49120
Name _______________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________
City ________________State_____________ ZIP ___________
________ I would like to borrow the book (my deposit of $6,00 will promptly be refunded upon the book's return.)
________ Please find $ _______ for ________ Softback copies
of the book at $6.00 each
________ Please find $_________ for _______Hardback copies
of the book at $19.95 each, ppd.
________ Total Enclosed
________ Please have John Clayton autograph the book. (If you want it personalized for a certain person, please give us the name.)
Back to Contents Does God Exist?, MarApr01.