Things You Never Heard

by Calvin Fields, ACW Press,
Phoenix, AZ 85013,
(Available from the author),
31935 247th St., Easton, KS 66020,
(913) 773-8216, 2001,
$11 plus postage, 159 pages.

There are many ways of approaching the relationship between science and the biblical record. In our material, we have attempted to move toward faith in God and the Bible from science because that is the journey I made and science is what led me to become a Christian. There are books which approach this subject from a philosophic position and others that work from the perspective of history. This book is primarily a biblical approach.

After a helpful glossary, the author starts with a chapter titled "The Bible and Jesus Christ." Using biblical quotes and statements by popular authors like Lee Strobell, Henry Morris, and Ed Wharton, he builds a case for Jesus as the Son of God. The second chapter is the best in the book in this reviewer's opinion. It is titled "The Bible is a Spiritual Book" and makes the valid point that the Bible does not contain massive details and is frequently metaphorical or symbolic in its writings. Fields points out that many supposed biblical contradictions are just cases where this is not recognized.

The last 98 pages of this 159-page book deal with evolution. Fields starts with Genesis and makes a totally biblical approach. Paying attention to the spiritual nature of the book and looking at the purpose of the book, he avoids many of the errors frequently made by denominational creationists. There are some quotes from Morris and the Institute for Creation Research (ICR), but no dependence on them

In the chapter titled "The Genesis Account of Man," Fields points out the problems of trying to force a 6,000-year-old earth on the Bible. He does a good job and is fair and honest in his approach. After looking at man, he discusses "Unrestricted Organic Evolution," using a large number of quotes of reputable scientists to discount many of evolution's claims as well as anthropological claims about man's evolution. The last chapter is titled "Evolution and Racism" and points out moral problems caused by belief in evolution.

This book is well written, easy to understand, and has some unique content. Even though it is not a scientific approach, the biblical presentation makes it useful for all readers. We recommend it as a very good book for young people and a valuable resource for all readers.

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