An Empty Crib
One of the things that we have tried to do in this program is to encourage people to take problems that they have had in their lives and use these problems as a tool to help them build a personal ministry. It started with our own personal struggle with a baby born with multiple birth defects. As we learned how to use this horrible experience in positive ways, we kept running into people who had built personal ministries with other problems they had in life. We now offer a whole series of books along these lines through the Does God Exist? program--books on cancer, diabetes, disabling paralysis, and injury are a part of our ministry.
Darrin and Pearl Bible have endured something that many of us have struggled with--infertility. In addition to that, they have gone through the agony of having finally conceived a child only to have it die. Because of their faith in God and their positive outlook as Christians, the Bibles were able to survive this ordeal and now have two other children.
The Bible's story is told with humor, sensitivity, and compassion. The embarrassment of having a sperm count (and especially having a nurse scream, "Does anyone know how to do a sperm count?" toward the back of the lab) and the pain of learning that your child you have worked so hard to have will not live is conveyed in a wonderful way. We recommend that anyone struggling with this problem or knowing someone who is contact the Bibles for a copy of this book. It is short (23 pages), has color pictures, and is well-written. It will be a blessing to many people.
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