Editor's Note: One of the major problems for all of us in today's world is getting valid information. We have mentioned in this periodical a number of times that the media in America today tend to be very heavily biased against Christianity and its teachings. The following article documents much of that statement and we feel it gives all Americans something to consider and to educate their children about. Fred Barnes is the executive editor of The Weekly Standard. He has been a senior editor and White House correspondent for The New Republic as well as having a column in a variety of other well-known magazines. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia and was a Neiman Fellow at Harvard University. We hope you will find this article informative and useful.
Let me begin by defining three terms that are thrown around in debates about the media today. The first is objectivity, which means reporting the news with none of your own political views or instincts slanting the story one way or another. Perfect objectivity is pretty hard for anyone to attain, but it can be approximated. Then there's fairness. Fairness concedes that there may be some slant in a news story, but requires that a reporter will be honest and not misleading with regard to those with whom he disagrees. And finally there's balance, which means that both sides on an issue or on politics in general--or more than two sides, when there are more than two--get a hearing.
My topic today is
how the mainstream media--meaning
nationally influential newspapers like the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and USA Today; influential regional
papers like the Miami Herald,
the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times; the broadcast
networks and cable news like CNN; and the wire services, which now are
pretty much reduced to the Associated Press--stacks up in terms of the
latter two journalistic standards, fairness and balance. In my opinion,
they don't stack up very well.
Twenty years ago I wrote a piece in The New Republic entitled "Media
Realignment," and the thrust of it was that the mainstream media was
shedding some of its liberal slant and moving more to the center. This
was in the Reagan years, and I pointed to things like USA Today, which was then about
five years old and was a champion of the Reagan economic recovery. CNN
was younger then, too, and quite different from the way it is now; Ted
Turner owned it, but he wasn't manipulating it in the way he did later,
which turned it into something quite different. Financial news
suddenly very big in the midst of the 401(k) revolution, and the stock
market boom was getting a lot of coverage. The New Republic, where I worked,
had been pro-Stalin in the 1930's, but by the 1980s had become very
pro-Reagan and anti-communist on foreign policy. I also cited a rise of
new conservative columnists like George Will. But looking back on that
piece now, I see that I couldn't have been more wrong. The idea that
the mainstream media was moving to the center was a mirage. In fact, I
would say that compared to what I was writing about back in the 1980s,
the mainstream media today is more liberal, more elitist, more secular,
more biased, more hostile to conservatives and Republicans, and more
Liberalism is endemic in the mainstream media today. Evan Thomas--the deputy editor of Newsweek and one of the honest liberals in the media--noted this very thing with regard to coverage of the 2004 presidential race, which I'll discuss later. It was obvious, he said, that the large majority in the media wanted John Kerry to win and that this bias slanted their coverage. And indeed, every poll of the media--and there have been a lot of them--shows that they're liberal, secular and so on. Polls of the Washington press corps, for instance, about who they voted for in 2004 always show that nine-to-one or ten-to-one of them voted Democratic. Peter Brown, a columnist who just recently left the Orlando Sentinel, conducted a poll a few years ago of newspaper staffs all around the country--not just at big papers, but midsize papers and even some small papers--and found that this disparity existed everywhere.
Nor is this likely to change. Hugh Hewitt, the
California lawyer and
blogger and talk radio host, spent a few days recently at the Columbia
Journalism School, supposedly the premier journalism school in America.
He spoke to a couple of classes there and polled them on who they had
voted for. He found only one Bush voter in all the classes he spoke to.
Steve Hayes, a fine young writer and reporter at The Weekly Standard,
went to Columbia Journalism School and says that during his time there
he was one of only two or three conservative students out of hundreds.
This is not to say that there aren't many fine young conservative
journalists. But they aren't likely to be hired in the mainstream
media. When I was at The New Republic
for ten years--and The New
Republic was quite liberal, despite its hawkish foreign
young person who joined the staff and wrote stories that were
interesting and demonstrated that he or she could write well was
grabbed immediately by the New York
Times or other big newspapers,
Newsweek, Time, or the networks. But that
doesn't happen at The Weekly
Standard, where I work now. Some of our young writers are the
talented I have ever met in my 30-plus years in journalism. But they
don't get those phone calls. Why? Because they're with a conservative
magazine. Of course there has been one famous exception--David Brooks,
who is now the conservative columnist with the New York Times. But he
was probably the least conservative person
at The Weekly Standard.
Conservatives are tokens on most editorial pages, just as they are on
the broadcast networks and on cable news stations like CNN and MSNBC.
Of course, I have a vested interest, since I work for FOX News; but if
you compare the number of liberal commentators on FOX--and there are a
lot of them--with the number of conservatives on those other stations,
you'll see what I mean.
The fact is that the mainstream media doesn't want conservatives. It doesn't matter whether they're good reporters or writers. They go out of their way not to hire them. This was true 20 years ago, and it's true today. This impenetrability is why conservatives have had to erect the alternative media--talk radio, the blogs, conservative magazines and FOX News. Together, these form a real infrastructure that's an alternative to the mainstream media. But it's still a lot smaller, it's not as influential and it's largely reactive. It's not the equal of the mainstream media, that's for sure.
One way to see the unequaled power of the mainstream media is in how
it is able to shape and create the stories that we're stuck talking
about in America. A good example is Cindy Sheehan last summer. The
Sheehan story was a total creation of the mainstream media. And in
creating the story, the media shamelessly mischaracterized Sheehan. It
portrayed her as simply a poor woman who wanted to see President Bush
because her son had been killed in Iraq. Well,
in the first place, she
had already seen President Bush once. Also, though you would never know
it from the dominant coverage, she was in favor of the Iraqi
insurgency--the beheaders, the killers of innocent women and children.
She was on their side, and she said so. She was also filled with a deep
hatred of Israel. Yet the media treated her in a completely sympathetic
manner, failing to report the beliefs that she made little attempt to
hide. In any case, the Cindy Sheehan story came to dominate the news
for the latter part of the summer; only the mainstream media still has
the power to make stories big.
To see how distorted the main stream media's view of the world can
be, one need only compare its coverage of the Valerie Plame "leak"
story with its coverage of the NSA surveillance leak story. Plame is
the CIA agent whose name was written about by reporter Robert Novak in
a column, following which the media portrayed her as having been outed
as an undercover CIA agent. The simple facts from the beginning were
that she was not an undercover agent anymore; she was not even
overseas. The story had no national security repercussions at
all--none. But that didn't stop the media, which built the story up to
great heights--apparently in the groundless hope that it would lead to
an indictment of Karl Rove--and kept it front page news, at least
intermittently, for what seemed like forever. The NSA surveillance
story, on the other hand, also created by the media--this
time pursuant
to a real leak, and one that was clearly in violation of the law--had
tremendous national security implications. After all, it revealed a
secret and crucial program that was being used to uncover plots to bomb
and massacre Americans and probably rendered that program no longer
effective. Not only was this important story treated on an equal basis
with the non-story of Valerie Plame, but the media was not interested,
for the most part, in its national security repercussions. Instead the
media mischaracterized the story as a "domestic spying scandal,"
suggesting constitutional overreach by the Bush administration. Well, a
domestic spying story is exactly what the story was not. Those being
spied on were Al-Qaeda members overseas who were using the telephone.
If some of those calls were with people in the U.S., they were
monitored for that reason only. But the media's stubborn
mischaracterization of the story continued to frame the debate.
This brings me to the use of unfair and unbalanced labeling by the
media. How often, if ever, have you heard or read the term
"ultra-liberal"? I don't think I've ever heard or read
it. You'll hear
and see the term "ultraconservative" a lot, but not "ultraliberal" -
even though there are plenty of ultraliberals. Another widely used
labeling term is "activist." If people are working to block a shopping
center from being built or campaigning against Wal-Mart, they are
called "activists." Of course, what the term "activist" means is
liberal. But while
conservatives are called conservatives by the media,
liberals are "activists." For years we've seen something similar with
regard to debates over judicial nominees. The Federalist Society, with
which many conservative judicial nominees tend to be associated, is
always referred to as the conservative Federalist Society, as if that's
part of its name. But the groups opposing conservative
rarely if ever labeled as liberal--giving the impression that they,
unlike the Federalist Society, are somehow objective.
Related to this, I would mention that conservatives are often labeled in a way to suggest they are mean and hateful. Liberals criticize, but conservatives hate. Have you noticed that the media never characterizes individuals or groups as Bush haters? There are Bush critics, but there are no Bush haters--whereas in the Clinton years, critics of the president were often referred to as Clinton haters. I'm not saying that there weren't Clinton haters on the fringes in the 1990s. But far-left groups like MoveOn.org have been treated as acceptable within the mainstream of American politics today by the media, while in truth they are as clearly animated by hatred as the most rabid anti-Clinton voices ever were.
With regard to religion, Christianity in particular--but also
religious faith in general--is reflexively treated as something
dangerous and pernicious by the mainstream media. Back in the early
1990s when I was still at The New
Republic, I was invited to a dinner
in Washington with Mario Cuomo. He was then governor of New York, and
had invited several reporters to dinner because he was thinking about
running for president. At one point that night he mentioned that he
sent his children to Catholic schools in New York because he wanted
them to be taught about a God-centered universe. This was in the
context of expressing his
wholehearted support for public schools. But
from the reaction, you would have thought he had said that one day a
week he would bring out the snakes in his office and make policy
decisions based on where they bit him. He was subsequently pummeled
with stories about how improper it was for him, one, to send his kids
to religious schools, and two, to talk about it. It was amazing. The
most rigid form of secularism passes as the standard in mainstream
journalism these days.
President Bush is similarly treated as someone who is obsessive about his religion. And what does he do? Well, he reads a devotional every day; he tries to get through the Bible, I think, once a year; and he prays. Now, I know many, many people who do this. Tens of millions of people do it. And yet the media treats Bush as some religious nut and pursues this story inaccurately. Again, it is clear that partisan bias is involved, too, because in fact, Bush talks publicly about his faith much less than other presidents have. There is a good book about Bush's religion by Paul Kengor, who went back to every word President Clinton spoke and found out that Clinton quoted scripture and mentioned God and Jesus Christ more than President Bush has. You would never get that from the mainstream media.
The partisan bias of the mainstream media has been at no time more
evident than during the last presidential election. Presidential
candidates used to be savaged equally by the media. No matter
who--Republican or Democrat--they both used to take their hits. But
that's not true any more. Robert Lichter, at the Center of Media and
Public Affairs in Washington, measures the broadcast news for all sorts
of things, including how they treat candidates. He's
been doing it now
for nearly 20 years. And would anyone care to guess what presidential
candidate in all those years has gotten the most favorable treatment
from the broadcast media? The answer is John Kerry, who got 77 percent
favorable coverage in the stories regarding him on the three broadcast
news shows. For Bush, it was 34 percent. This was true despite the fact
that Kerry made his Vietnam service the motif of the Democratic
National Convention, followed weeks later by 64 Swift Boat vets who
served with Kerry in Vietnam claiming that he didn't do the things he
said he did. It was a huge story, but the mainstream media didn't want
to cover it and didn't cover it, for week after week after week.
There was an amazingly well documented book written by a man named John O'Neill--himself a Swift Boat vet--who went into great detail about why John Kerry didn't deserve his three Purple Hearts, etc. It might have been a right-wing screed, but if you actually read it, it wasn't a screed. It backed up its claims with evidence. Normally in journalism, when somebody makes some serious charges against a well known person, reporters look into the charges to see if they're true or not. If they aren't, reporters look into the motives behind the false charges--for instance, to find out if someone paid the person making the false charges, and so on. But that's not what the media did in this case. The New York Times responded immediately by investigating the financing of the Swift Boat vets, rather than by trying to determine whether what they were saying was true. Ultimately, grudgingly--after bloggers and FOX News had covered the story sufficiently long that it couldn't be ignored--the mainstream media had to pick up on the story. But its whole effort was aimed at knocking down what the Swift Boat vets were saying.
I will wind up on a positive note, however. Forty years ago, John Kenneth Galbraith--the great liberal Harvard economist--said that he knew conservatism was dead because it was bookless. Conservatives didn't publish books. And to some extent, it was true at the time. But it is no longer true. Conservatives have become such prolific writers and consumers of books that Random House and other publishing companies have started separate conservative imprints. Nowadays it is common to see two or three or four conservative books--some of them kind of trashy, but some of them very good--on the bestseller list. Insofar as books are an indication of how well conservatives are doing--at least in the publishing part of the media world--I would say they are doing quite well. They're not winning, but they're much better off than they were before--something that can't be said about how they are faring in the unfair and unbalanced mainstream media.
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