Christians must be careful not to interpret the Bible in such a way that it disagrees with the physical testimony of the world which the apostle Paul in the letter to the Romans calls one of God's greatest witnesses of reality. Some Christians balk at the concept that God took so long a time to prepare the earth for man but look closely at Romans 1:20 "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--His eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." What is there in nature that communicates the "eternal" attribute of God? I would offer that; He took over four billion years to prepare the earth for the arrival of humanity. No, not eternal; but God seems to say through the earth: "You should get the general idea!"
We sacrifice none of God's omnipotence to say that the earth is as ancient as its testimony indicates. If anything, we magnify God. It magnifies His power and authority to understand that He is so timeless, patient, and inexhaustibly imaginative in His creation. It should magnify our awe factor to understand the investment He has made in the smallest details of creation; from the complex order of millions of molecules within a single strand of DNA to the way the earth's core produces a magnetic field that is calibrated in just the right way to protect all forms of life by deflecting the precise amount of solar radiation.
We have every reason
to believe that, rather than merely offering a creative nod in our
direction of the cosmos, every genus of every species was given the
same creative physical investment that man received. The difference in
humanity is not the physical but that we are made in the spiritual
image of God. All the rest of creation was made before us and for us.
The whole point of Genesis
1 as Moses records it is not about the creation of the earth or how
long it took. The point is US! This planet, in fact, the entire
universe was created as a habitat for us. It was designed to sustain us
and even aesthetically to entertain us. This is the only real point of
Genesis 1. However, the added witness of creation says: God took a long
and careful time to prepare this habitat for man.
Some might be quick to brush aside or avoid this topic by expressing that it is not a salvation issue. While this is true in the direct sense, if left unanswered, the unnecessary dichotomy and unresolved questions in the hearts of unbelievers and even in the spirits of our own youth as they encounter these topics make it at the very least an indirect salvation issue as it can prevent and/or destroy faith.
Scientists and religious people may disagree but the Bible and science never disagree for God is the author of both. Let us be true to the Bible and accept the evidence the earth offers and find the obvious harmony that exists between them.
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