from Does
Exist? March/April 2010
SCHOLARSHIP AVAILABLE. Over the past 42 years the Does God Exist? ministry has given
$1,000 scholarships to aspiring students to be applied towards college
or technical school tuition. To be eligible students must have a high
school diploma or GED equivalent and be attending an accredited post
high school educational institution in the fall of 2010. Selection will
be based on a competitive essay on the subject “Science and Faith are
Not Enemies.” Registration forms are available from John Clayton, 1555
Echo Valley Drive, Niles, MI 49120 or The deadline date
for submission of essays and registration forms is June 1, 2010.
YEAR END REPORT AVAILABLE. A detailed report of this
ministry for 2009 is available. The work done and the financial data
are included. If you are a financial supporter of this program, you
should have received a copy. Otherwise just let us know and we will
mail one to you.
2009 a number of new materials were developed by our ministry. There
are four new programs in the DVD series, bringing it to 28 programs on
seven discs. We also have a new course written at the freshman college
level for high school and undergraduate student use. This course has a
teacher’s guide for class use or can be taken by mail free of charge.
We also have a new children’s book titled Frogs and Toads: God’s Bug
Snatchers available — our fifteenth children’s book. Let us know
if you
have an interest in any of these materials or visit our Web sites and
ORIGINS. There has been a multiplicity of
explanations of how the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) got into the
human population. Recent studies of preserved tissues shows that the
most widespread HIV strain (known as group M) came into existence
around 1908 and has been in chimpanzees since the time of Columbus.
Cases have now been traced to 1959 in the Congo and in Haiti by 1966
and in the U.S. by 1969. Human activity has caused the spread to be so
dramatic including the eating of bush meat and sexual activity.
Source: Scientific American,
400. Science
(November 21, 2009, page 14) announced that 32 new planets had been
discovered and carried an announcement that the number of known planets
orbiting stars other than our sun has now passed 400. Scott Gaudi of
Ohio State writes in Astronomy
magazine (February 2010, page 50) that
only one planet has been found that has a mass less than 10 times that
of Earth, that one being 4.8 times Earth’s mass. The planet has
been labeled CoRoT-7b and is 1.7 times larger in size than Earth.
Planets are a natural consequence of star formation, and finding so
many is not a surprise. The uniqueness of Earth continues to astound
many researchers as these planets have highly elliptical orbits and
unique chemical make-ups.
HOMOSEXUALITY. Recent studies have
shown that in some U.S. rivers 91 percent of the male large-mouth bass
were affected with a phenomenon which causes male
What that means is that the male sex organs are producing
immature female eggs. Pollution is suspected as being the cause of
these males becoming females, but a more significant question for
humans is whether this same pollution is connected to homosexuality.
Dr. Jo Ellen Hinck found intersex male bass at 34 of 111 sites in the
Columbia, Colorado, and Mississippi rivers. In a related story Science
News reports (December 19, 2009, page 10) that a family of
chemicals known as phthalates used in plastics causes a reduction in
testosterone in children. This results in changes in the children’s
choices of toys. Diethylhexyl phthalate seemed to be especially
involved in this. Women who had high phthalates during mid-pregnancy
had an unusually high percentage of boys who wanted to play with dolls,
dress up in girl’s clothing, and reject playing with toy cars. If
pollution is doing this and humans drink the same water as the fish,
could there be chemical causes of homosexuality? Time will tell, but we
do want to emphasize that a tendency does not mean there is no choice.
However, the issue of whether someone is born gay may have more
complicated variables than anyone imagined. Source: Popular Science,
December 2009, page 17.
BRITAIN. A British citizen has
filed suit against his government for forcing children to watch An
Inconvenient Truth, the environmental documentary by Al Gore.
plaintiff claims the film is roughly half scientific material, 30
percent pure politics, and 20 percent sentimental mush. The judge
agreed that the film promoted a partisan political view and should be
voluntary. Source: Pollution
Engineering, November 2007, page 19.
(January 2, 2010, page 5) reports that new studies have shown the
Mediterranean Sea was at one time like a giant bathtub, and a breach of
the area between Morocco and Spain through the Strait of Gibraltar
caused the Atlantic Ocean to flood the area. We have pointed out in the
past that the Glomar Challenger has shown a fault and water fall gouge
in the area, but new data shows stratagraphic evidence to expand the
Challenger’s data. The timing is difficult to ascertain. The article
puts the event well before man, but the methods of dating are not very
good because of the geology of the area. What it does show is that
flooding is very much a part of the story of the area where the Bible
account takes place, and as more data becomes available a picture of
what contributed to the flood of Noah may become more clear.
Scrolls have been a topic of huge interest to apologetics. Not only do
the scrolls support much of the Old Testament, but they give a much
more accurate history than most other finds and documents. The question
of whether they were written by a sect of Jews called the Essenes, or
someone else, has been an area of great debate. In the Smithsonian
magazine (January 2010, page 40) is a good article that talks about
authorship and what some of the evidence is for the scrolls’ authors
and their impact on Christianity. New archeological data is coming at
an increasing rate, and much of it is very supportive of the Bible and
the credibility of Christianity. The Biblical
(January/February 2010) has a number of new finds in this area to
report including a painting of Paul and an underground hall with many
Christian symbols. As more data becomes available we will let our
readers know about it.
MUSEUMS AND MONEY. There is a growing
number of creationist museums popping up all over the country. Atheists
constantly maintain that all religious activity is designed to make
money for the people promoting the religion. In the Reports of the
National Center for Science Education (September/October 2009,
17), an atheist journal with heavy funding of its own, there is a
report on the incomes of creationists as revealed by the IRS. Some of
the numbers given include Answers in Genesis (AIG) with twenty million
dollars in assets in 2006 and paying Ken Ham $188,655. Four other AIG
employees were getting over $100,000 a year. When the museum opened it
was valued at 27 million dollars and has been collecting $20 a person
admission fees with some 714,000 visitors. Kent Hovind who ran Dinosaur
Adventure Land made bank deposits of over a million dollars yearly
before being jailed for tax fraud. Even The Creation Evidence Museum in
Glen Rose, Texas reports $400,000 in revenues, although Carl Baugh, the
director, draws a salary of $71,730, and John Morris of the Institute
for Creation Research made $89,049 in 2007, which the journal
considers modest.
One problem with these museums is that they promote
doctrinal views inconsistent with the teachings of the Bible. Many
times their science is also bad. We should not try to compete with the
secular world in flashy entertainment functions, and need to use our
finances for constructive avenues of service. We would urge caution in
visiting museums of this type.
mentioned Francis Collins in this periodical several times in recent
years. He was the director of the Human Genome Project, and has been
involved as a believer in a number of debates with leading atheists.
Collins has started a foundation to promote a positive view of the
relationship between science and faith. Collins has some wonderful
material. We reviewed
his book The Language of God
several issues ago,
and his debate with Richard Dawkins was very well done. Collins is a
theistic evolutionist, and believes that evolution is how God created
life. We have pointed out that as evolution changes, his view will have
to change, and we differ with him on that approach. However, his new
Web site at has some useful material and will be
dinosaur named
Sinosauropteryx was claimed by
experts to be a turkey-size dinosaur
that had “protofeathers” to keep it warm and was a link to the birds.
Experts now say that the marks thought to be protofeathers are collagen
fibers and not related to feathers at all. The debate goes on, but
remember that this has no biblical implications. The Bible talks about
the flesh of birds, fish, mammals, and humans (1 Corinthians 15:39)
whether the dinosaurs are birds or scaled like fish is not a biblical
issue. Source: Science Illustrated,
PROBLEMS. There is a variety of social
and health issues involved with abortion, but the mental and emotional
problems of women who have had abortions are not made public by the
media very often. A study in New Zealand showed that women who have had
abortions have twice the rate of major depression as women who were
never pregnant and 35 percent higher than women who had chosen to
continue the pregnancy. A California study showed that women who had
given birth and later had an abortion were 929 percent more likely to
use marijuana and 460 percent more likely to use other illicit drugs. A
University of Minnesota study showed a tenfold increase in suicides for
teens who had aborted during the previous six months. The emotional
costs of abortion seem to be an unreported complication of this
destructive process. Source: Family News in Focus from Dr. James
Dobson, January 2008, page 4.
not endorse beauty pageants in any way, but last year’s Miss USA
competition in Las Vegas had an incident which brings up a number of
issues and has precipitated a great deal of controversy. Miss
California was Carrie Prejean who attends San Diego Christian College.
Ms. Prejean was asked before a national television audience to voice
her perspective on same-sex marriage. Her response was “I do believe
that marriage should be between a man and a woman; no offense to
anybody out there. But that’s how I was raised and I believe that it
should be between a man and a woman.” The question was asked by a
homosexual activist who calls himself Perez Hilton who then proceeded
to use the incident to promote his views on the subject and bring a
great deal of negative attention to Ms. Prejean. Why a gay activist was
allowed to use the pageant as a means of promoting his views is not
clear. Is believing that marriage should be between a man and a woman a
position that cannot be voiced in public? Do personal views of public
figures have to conform to the media
interpretation on every social
issue that is out there? It seems we have entered a very scary time and
this incident is just a small indicator of how far our culture has
swung into complete rejection of any biblical standard.
HEALTH. An article in Time
(February 12, 2009, page 62) continued the debate about prayer and
belief in God and their relation to health. It was a fairly balanced
article, but still fell into the trap of making assumptions that cannot
be justified. Whenever you compare a “prayed for” group with a “not
prayed for” group, you have problems. There is no way for anyone to
know what silent prayers are going on, and assuming that an organized
prayer is more effective than a personalized one, is a very dubious
assumption to make. The article was interesting reading.
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Does God Exist?, MarApr10.