A rattlesnake rattle is dead tissue. The snake makes the sound by twitching sets of small muscles on either side of its tail. It had been thought that muscle contractions pulled the tail tip first one way and then the other, but research has shown that the muscles extend or lengthen rather than contract or shorten. The muscle on one side lengthens and pushes the rattle one way. The muscle on the other side is contracting and absorbing that energy. When it lengthens it pushes the tail tip the other way and the energy and forces are reversed.
It takes less energy to extend a muscle than to
contract it. Going down into the Grand Canyon requires less energy than
coming out. The muscles exert more force however because of the inertia
requirements of stopping the weight that is being lowered. Even though
we are supporting the same weight, the lengthening of a muscle produces
about twice as much force as shortening it.
Most human exercise programs are designed to make muscles stronger. Researchers at Northern Arizona State University have taken the rattlesnake rattle, and designed exercise equipment that uses this principle. Physiologist Stan Lindstedt built an exercise bike with electrically powered pedals that run backwards so the patients muscles must resist the force. When elderly patients tried this device, their muscle mass increased as did their balance. Members of a high school basketball team extended their jumping ability a couple of inches (8 percent) by using the same equipment.
In our day of fancy exercise equipment, it is interesting to know that the most modern exercise machine is designed by copying the engineering of the ancient reptile--the rattlesnake. The original engineer must have been infinitely brilliant.
Reference: National Wildlife, February/March 2008, page 14.
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