It has been said that when someone does not believe in
something, that
he will believe anything. We live in an age when that saying is being
demonstrated in a variety of ways. In Europe and the United States it
is now fashionable to say that “we are living in the post-Christian
era.” Atheists and naturalists are loudly proclaiming victory over the
forces of
religion and faith. While one might suggest
that such claims are premature, there can be no question but that
western civilization is moving headlong into materialism, secularism,
and a rejection of the beliefs of the past. With this new belief system
has come a rise in bizarre beliefs, including ghosts, demons and demon
possession, spirit creatures, voodoo, witchcraft, occult practices,
fortune tellers, and a variety of outlandish medical treatments and
claimed cures.
We have seen the rise of Scientology in which everyone is said to be a
“thetan” (pronounced THAY-ten) or immortal spirit with unlimited powers
over its own universe, even though a person might not be aware of this.
Wicca, a modern form of witchcraft, is a growing force in western
civilization. Wiccans believe in a god-force which is in everything or
in personal beings. New Age has grown incredibly in our culture
teaching that everything and everyone is God, with people having
unlimited inner power and a need to discover it. Mormons teach that
Jesus is a separate God created as a spirit child by the Father and
Mother in Heaven, and is the “elder brother” of all men and spirit
beings. Buddhism rejects the existence of God and speaks of Buddha as a
universal enlightened consciousness. Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism teaches
there is no God and that there is no separation between Creator and
creature with spiritual forces being protectors. The list of beliefs in
spirit forces is massive and reflects a culture that is grasping for
any replacement for belief in the Christian God of the Bible.
Belief in ghosts, demons, spiritual forces, and the like very quickly
find their way into Hollywood. The movie Avatar has strong connections
to Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism, which uses Hindu gods and goddesses as
protectors. The Queen Mary
ocean liner located in Long beach California
has a “Ghosts and Legends” attraction on the ship. This is a tour into
of the Queen Mary that
includes narrated stories about ghosts on
the ship, along with fog, lights, sound, and other creepy special
effects. It is great fun and kind of reminds one of Disney’s Haunted
Mansion attraction. Psychics do a major business in all countries of
the Western world today, and our televisions are full of programs about
the paranormal and the psychic world.
Things that become popular in the world around us always seem to find
their way into the beliefs of Christians. In the religious market there
are books about ghosts, demons, alien spirits, etc., suggesting what
they are and what they mean. One popular book suggests that demons are
the souls of people who have died and are lost, but have not faced
judgment yet. Erratic behavior is sometimes explained away as demons or
spirit-based. There are a number of Christians, including several
evangelists, who claim to have seen ghosts or demons. Some estimates
say that about 50 percent of the people in the Restoration Movement
believe in such things. It is vital that Christians understand that
this is a dangerous business both spiritually and physically. There are
solid biblical and scientific reasons why we should not buy into
paranormal claims of any kind, and we need to convince our brothers and
sisters in Christ that they have nothing to fear from ghosts, demons,
or alien spirits.
truths of the Bible is that God has allowed humans to choose whether or
not to obey God and live as God has called them to live. In the Old
Testament we see statements like “But if serving the Lord seems
undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will
serve …” (Joshua 24:15, NIV). In the
New Testament Jesus confronted the
disciples with this choice saying “Will you also go away?” (John 6:67).
John 20:31; Philippians 2:12; and James 2:14
all challenge us to
realize we must make our own choices. God never forces us to accept
God’s way of living or doing things, but there are consequences of
making choices that reject God. If a ghost or a demon can take over
innocent people, and cause them to do things that they would not do of
their own free volition, then a fundamental truth of the Bible is
The New Testament is full of warnings about those things that can put
us at risk as Christians. The Church is warned about false teachers,
about scams, about false apostles, about false brothers and sisters in
Christ, about governments, about lukewarmness, about being
unfruitful — the list is long. (See Acts
20:28 – 31; 1 Corinthians
4:14; Colossians 1:28; and 2 Peter 1:3 – 9). Nowhere in the Bible
there any warning about the threats of ghosts, demons, familiar
spirits, witches, seances, or any paranormal phenomena taking over
against our will. Surely if this were a legitimate threat to
Christians, God would have warned us about it. Second Timothy 3:16 –17
tells us that the scriptures give us everything we need to know to be
complete, and no warnings about these things are contained in the Bible.
CLAIMS. The serious nature of being involved with paranormal
is underscored throughout the Bible. In Exodus
22:18 the price of being
a witch was death and it is listed in the same verses as sodomy.
Deuteronomy 18:10 –12 is more
specific: “Let no one be found among you
who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices
divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft or casts
spells, or is a medium or spiritist, or who consults the dead. Anyone
who does these things is detestable to the LORD … .” In Galatians
witchcraft is listed in a series of behaviors that include sexual
immorality, drunkenness, and orgies. (For other references see
Leviticus 19:26, 31; 20:6, 27; 1 Samuel
15:23; 28; 2 Kings 9:22; 21:6;
23:24; 1 Chronicles 10:13; 2 Chronicles 33:6; Isaiah 8:19; 19:3; 29:4;
Micah 5:12; Nahum 3:4.)
TODAY. We have already mentioned the fact that God does not
force us to
obey Him or to follow His teachings about how we are to live. One part
of our freedom to choose is that God never overwhelms us with such
massive force that we have no choice. When Jesus was in the flesh on
the earth, there was massive evidence that He was what He said He was.
Satan was given greater freedom, and some of that freedom was present
in the form of forces that do not exist today — demons, spiritual
forces, etc.
2:15 and 1 John 3:8
tell us that Jesus overcame these
forces. Zechariah
13:2 and 1
Corinthians 13:8 –10 tell us these things
would pass away with the coming of the Church. You can argue endlessly
about what these forces were and how they functioned, but the early
Christians were told “Resist the devil and he will flee from you”
(James 4:7).
The devil is not a force against which we have no defense.
Corinthians 10:13 tells us that God will always provide a way of
escape when problems come against us as Christians. Romans 8:28
indicates that God can take the worst experience that we endure and
make good come from it.
We are not helpless pawns in a war that uses us against our will and
without our involvement. What went on in the past, whether real or not,
does not go on today. We are called to be a people who choose to live
God’s way, but no force comes against us that we cannot handle. First
Corinthians 10:13 tells us that everything that happens to us is the
common experience of humanity. People who claim strange and unique
mystical experiences that no one else has may have personal problems
that cause misinterpretation of the source of their difficulties. The
reality is that our world today only contains what all of us face daily
and can handle if we will use the tools God gave us.
This discussion would be incomplete without mentioning the seance of 1
Samuel 28. In this story King Saul is being defeated by the
Philistines. He goes to a medium at a place called Endor to contact
Samuel, who is dead. The woman does her normal seance, and sure enough,
Samuel shows up. When the woman sees Samuel, the Bible tells us she
shrieked — screamed at the top of her voice. I would suggest that the
woman had a scam which allowed people to see a “deceased relative,” and
when the real thing showed up it freaked her out. She was in unfamiliar
territory, and she screamed and realized that she was dealing with
reality — Samuel was actually there and Saul was also in her presence.
This was a miracle of God designed for Saul, and the witch of Endor did
not have the power to raise the dead.
MADE. One major aspect of the Does
God Exist? ministry is to deal with
evidence. We urge atheists to look at the positive evidence rather than
to engage in theological debate about whether they like the way God
does things or what God may have allowed in the world. Spiritual things
cannot be tested scientifically in any direct way, but evidence can
exist for spiritual things, and it can be investigated. The soul of man
is one area that falls into this realm. We cannot conduct a scientific
experiment directly to measure or physically handle the soul. The fact
is, however, that evidence for the spiritual dimension of man is well
recognized by almost everyone whether they are religious or atheistic
in their beliefs. Man’s concept of self, his creative ability, his
language (not his speech), his capacity for worship, and his feelings
of guilt, sympathy, and compassion are all evidence for a spiritual
component to humans. The debate about the soul revolves around whether
the soul can be explained merely in terms of the human brain. That
question is the subject of ongoing research and debate.
Research on ghosts, demons, fortune tellers, witchcraft,
spirit creatures, demonic possession and exorcism, and paranormal
claims in general offers no support of these claimed phenomena. I have
personally witnessed several exorcisms and numerous claims of demonic
possession. I have attended satanic worship services where “miracles”
are performed. I have visited a large number of haunted castles, spook
caverns, spirit swamps, and possessed houses. In recent years there
have been numerous studies of these phenomena by believers and atheists
alike. Magazines like Spiritual
Counterfeit Project, Christian
Journal, Skeptic, and Skeptical Inquirer have case after
case where
mystic claims are shown to have either a fraudulent base, or an easy
physical explanation.
We do not live in a world of spirit creatures and people with
superhuman powers. When God tells us to “Work out your own salvation
with fear and trembling” (Philippians
2:12), He is not telling us to do
something we cannot do. You do not have to live in fear of someone
putting a hex on you, or Satan having some stranglehold on you that you
cannot oppose. That does not mean that life cannot be hard. It does not
mean that you are safe around witches or spirit readers or mediums
because people can do strange things when their security is threatened.
It does mean that God is in control and His promises are true and
binding. You can serve the occult, or the magic promoters, or the
fantasy ghost world if you wish, but “as for me and my house, we will
serve the Lord.”(Joshua
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Does God Exist?, MayJun11.