In typical R. C. Sproul style, this book tackles the myth of chance as a tool for modern science. Chance is a word used to describe mathematical probability, the absence of cause, and even a causal power itself. Sproul recognizes that if chance rules in the universe, God must not, in fact, cannot. So he sets out to demonstrate the irrationality of chance.
Very carefully and methodically, he challenges the teaching of scientists like Stanley Jaki, Neils Bohr, and Carl Sagan. Sproul also points out that other leading scientists did not find comfort in chance to explain the universe. David Hume, "Chance is only our ignorance of real causes." Charles Darwin, "I cannot look at the universe as a result of blind chance." Albert Einstein, "Quantum physics is certainly imposing, but the inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing.. I, at any rate, am convinced that He is not playing at dice."
This is not a book to be read before bed time. The reader should take his time and think about what Sproul is saying, being willing to reread parts if necessary. Using scientific theory, mathematical understanding, linguistic theory, and logic, the author makes it clear that chance as a real force is a myth. It has no basis in reality and no place in scientific inquiry.
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