Walking on the Ceiling
These insects have suction pads on their feet. On both sides of the suction pads are claws which can be retracted. The suction pads are inflated when the claws are retracted, allowing the insect to cling to the surface. When the insect deflates the pad, the foot detaches from the surface with the claws extended. If the insect is on a rough surface when suction is not required, the claws stay extended and the pads stay folded.
Dr. Bert Hšlldobler, the director of the team studying the locomotion of these insects says, "This is a striking example of a peripheral structure that features complex mechanical design, but works with relatively simple, central control."
The question we would raise is how such "complex mechanical design" comes
about. I frequently hear entomologists describe these patterns in insects
as blueprints that allow the creatures to function in unique ways. They are
referring, of course, to genetic blueprints which allow all members of the
species to have the same specialized equipment. We would suggest that the
blueprint is carefully drawn and designed by a Designer that created life
forms to fit unique environments in complex and marvelous ways. "Go to the
ant, you sluggard; consider its way and be wise" (Proverbs 6:6).
--Reference: National Wildlife, December/January 2002, page 10.
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