Books Available from the DGE? Program

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_____ The Source ($6.00)

_____ Dandy Designs (3 volumes $7.50 or $3.00 ea)

_____ Timothy, My Son and Teacher ($3.00)

_____ God's Revelation in His Rocks and His Word ($2.00)


_____ Prelude to Glory--alleged contradictions in the biblical account of Jesus' death explained ($6.00)

_____ Star of Jacob--about the Star of Bethlehem ($4.00)

_____ The Real Jesus of History ($2.00)

_____ Whiner's Guide to Chemotherapy--cancer ($2.50)

_____ I'd Offer You My Seat...But It's Taken--disability ($4.00)

_____ Living Successfully with Diabetes ($2.50)

_____ Understanding Evolution--college level ($4.00)

_____ Understanding Evolution--junior high level ($2.00)

_____ Journey Through A Jewell--a Grand Canyon novel ( ($11.00)

_____ Problem of Pain and Suffering ($2.50)

_____ Children's series on wonders in nature (14 books $22.00)

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