cover picture for this month reminds us of the beautiful season we are
currently enjoying, especially those of us who live in a place where
the change is as extreme as it is here in Michigan. Before long we will
be experiencing snow and temperatures well below freezing, and this
period before the cold is one of great beauty and change.
The colors of the leaves are not the only indicator
that we enjoy. I have a blind friend who talks about loving fall. His
sense of fall is that there is a whole new variety of sounds — leaves
crunching, wind blowing through the trees, birds of all kinds sending
out unusual sounds as they head to their winter quarters. He talks
about the smells of fall, uniquely different from those of spring and
summer which he also finds to be appealing. Another comment he has made
is that he can feel a difference in the touch of things — even of the
air itself. The humidity is lower and leaves and grass have a
different, brittle feel to them. He made a comment about what he called
“the ultimate fall sense.” When I asked what it was, he looked up from
his pumpkin pie and held up a piece on the end of his fork and just
We frequently
talk about man’s senses — sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste — and
take for granted our capacity to experience these senses. We all
recognize that most of these sensations play a role in our survival.
Taste can often tell us when something is good to eat and when it is
not. Seeing a dangerous object can aid our survival. But senses go far
beyond survival; they also bring us pleasure and an understanding of
our environment. Our capacity to taste does not just tell us whether or
not something is rotten. It also gives us a variety of sensations that
are not survival oriented, but bring us flavor. A fish eats without
concern as to what spice has been used or what the texture of the food
is. We humans find flavor enjoyable, and we have whole industries based
on flavor. Salt can bring us critical minerals like iodine or
potassium, but Jesus talked about salt losing its savor (Matthew 5:13)
He was not talking about its mineral content.
We all know that sound can be a warning device, but
we also know that sound in the form of music has a very different
function. When you hear a cardinal singing in a tree near your house,
you may be tempted to think that he is welcoming the day or trying to
impress humans with his beautiful song. The fact is, the cardinal is
warning another male to stay out of the area and away from his
mate — or else. My mother used to have a canary that sang like crazy
every time he heard a recording of Bing Crosby singing a particular
song. She would talk to the bird like it was a fellow human asking it
if it wanted “to hear Bing.” One day I brought an audio oscillator home
to work on a science project. I found that every time I hit middle C
with two harmonics added, the bird began singing like he did with Bing.
I later found that the sound was at the frequency of a particular
insect that was the bird’s main food in its natural environment.
Even our capacity to
smell goes far beyond the
survival issues of animals. Animals use scent for a variety of
purposes. Our understandings of pheromones has expanded greatly in the
past 50 years. We have learned that animals convey messages about
territory, food, and mates by laying down chemicals with distinct
smells that can be interpreted by other members of the species. The use
of smell to find food is used by many animals. In humans, smell
combines with taste to give us flavor. The nose being placed just above
the mouth is no accident. It is what gives us the capacity to enjoy
flavor. We enjoy perfume, cologne, flowers, and even have sexual
pleasure all because of smell. In a similar way, touch goes far beyond
survival and brings us all kinds of security and pleasures of many
What is required for all of this to be true? How is
man unique in his capacity to enjoy those things that are not just
survival issues? The equipment that enables us and our animals to hear,
smell, taste, touch, and see is very similar. In all of us, that
equipment is incredibly complex. All animals have the capacity to sense
light. Not all of us see the same kind of light. Rattlesnakes see
infrared which our eyes cannot detect. That ability enables them to see
warm-blooded prey in the dark. The equipment to detect the infrared is
similar to what enables us to see visible light. All living things have
the capacity to sense sound. Most of us know that our sound-sensing
equipment detects (hears) frequencies of 20 to 20,000 Hertz. We also
know that dogs can hear frequencies above 20,000 Hertz, called
ultrasonic sounds,
that we cannot
hear. Whales can hear frequencies
below 20 Hertz. They can communicate over long distances in the ocean
by using these low frequencies, called infrasonic sound, which we
cannot hear. Fish and snakes hear through lateral slits instead of ears
like we have, but in all cases there are devices that convert the
longitudinal waves of sound into transverse waves of electricity so
that they can be interpreted by some kind of a brain.
What is unique in humans is not the mechanism that
detects the sense, or even how it is converted to an electric wave.
What is unique is how we apply and use the information the sense brings
us. My mentally challenged son with an IQ
of less than 50 can identify
virtually any perfume that comes within 20 feet of him. One of our
favorite stories about Tim, involves an airplane trip. After we were
seated Tim commented that someone was wearing a certain perfume I had
never heard of, which was very rare and expensive. A woman five rows up
heard this and turned and told Tim that she was in fact wearing that
perfume. She told us she was a cosmetic dealer and had never met an
American who knew what it was. Tim could identify ten perfumes on that
plane, but knew that this particular one was different and exotic and
How is it that music can be a major influence on us?
In 1
Samuel 16:23 we read that Saul was relieved of his distress by the
playing of music. This goes beyond survival or warning
others. Sexual
pleasure has very little to do with reproduction. In the Bible we find
repeated references to the need of humans to enjoy the sensual
experiences that God has built into the marriage relationship (see 1
Corinthians 7:1 – 5 and Proverbs
5:18 – 20 in reference to women’s
breasts). Hugs in the animal kingdom may offer warmth or protection,
but in mankind hugs convey a fulfillment of a psychological need. The
death of my wife Phyllis brought many anxieties to me, but the
realization I might never be hugged again as she hugged me was probably
the most traumatic.
Sociobiologists attempt to give mechanical
explanations to all of these things — usually in evolutionary theories.
When you look at both the physics of our senses and the unique way that
we as
humans use and interpret these sensations,
there is evidence that
it is carefully designed and orchestrated to give us ultimate joy and
Enjoy the fall, savor the spring, and most of all
enjoy the love and emotional needs that our beautifully designed senses
help us experience. God designed them, told us how to best enjoy them,
and tells us to appreciate them. As David wrote, “I will praise thee;
for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and
that my soul knoweth right well” (Psalm
139:14, KJV).
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Does God Exist?, SepOct10.