God Will See Us Through

"As they observed the confidence of Peter and John...they began to recognize them as having been with Jesus" ( Acts 4:13).

Out of their association with Jesus, something was born that could not die--something so strong that no threat could stifle their confidence. No fear of prison or sword could now silence these two transfigured men. The conviction that their King was Lord, even over the power of the tomb, kindled in these men a new fire. Their faith which once rested in the elements that surrounded them gave way to a faith in a risen, unconquerable Lord. The One who had been at their side along the dusty roads of Palestine was now abiding in them. The assurance of His presence gave their evangelism a boldness and put a flame in their hearts ( Luke 24:32).

Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, says that the spirit of the living God has written a letter on their hearts, and because of this hope, "we use great boldness in our speech." He talks of this confidence in Christ 4 times in the first 3 chapters. The message is clear! God's people are anointed with a spirit of confidence and boldness ( 2 Timothy 1:7).

In his fantasy The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis tells of a ghost who has arrived somewhere between heaven and earth. He is carrying a small, red lizard on his shoulder who whispers suggestive remarks in his ear. The ghost runs into one of the angels who claims to be able to rid him of his terrible condition, if only the ghost will give him permission. The ghost hesitates between the slavery with the lizard and the burning hands of the angel's touch, which he fears. The ghost finally gives his desperate reply, "Go on, can't you? Get it over! Do what you like...God help me...God help me...." The ghost lets out a terrible scream as the angel flings the creature to the earth. But instead of the lizard being destroyed, it slowly transforms itself into a magnificent stallion, clothed with a golden mane. Moreover, the ghost now materializes into a new man who grows much larger than before. He then jumps on the back of the stallion, now a most splendid servant to the new man, and rides directly up into the brightness of the high places.

As servants of an unshakable kingdom, we are often tempted to permit certain red lizards to ride us through life. Such small things tend to slow us down and deter us from moving with our newly-acquired power from victory to victory. Perhaps a new dawn is breaking, and all over the world, God's people are refusing to stay in the shallow end of life and are launching out in faith, assured that God will perform what He has commanded us to do. Will we shrink in terror at the size of our task? Not so! God will see us through ( 2 Corinthians 2:14-17).--by Bob Grigg, Beamsville, Ontario, Canada, Church of Christ bulletin, January 15, 1984.

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