God Exist?
Summer Seminar! |
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A Five-Day Intensive Program of Study of Christian Evidences and Ways to Serve Others | ||
When: | June 21-25, 1999 | |
Where: | College Street Church of Christ, Lebanon, Tennessee | |
Cost: | -- You provide room, board and transportation. | |
Requirements: | An interest in Learning | |
Designed for: | Church leaders, teachers, personal workers |
The purpose of the "Does God Exist?" program is to provide thinking, seeking people with scientific evidence that God does exist and that the Bible is His Word. It is our conviction that all men can logically, intelligently, and rationally believe in God. The "Does God Exist?" program offers books, audiocassette tapes, correspondence courses, vidwo tapes, and other materials. These materials are offered either free or on a loan basis. We also are more than willing to correspond with you and provide you with whatever help we can for whatever needs you might have.
Introduction: Paul admonished Timothy to train others to preach the Gospel. For 30 years, John Clayton has been involved in challenging atheism, agnosticism, skepticism, evolutionism, and faith problems in the Church. Every summer, the Does God Exist? work has done a special seminar to train others to do what John is doing. The idea is to give them the materials and assist them in refining their own talent and ability to fight the destructive views that swirl around us all.
Cost and Materials: There is for the seminar. All materials passed out will be provided free of charge The Does God Exist? program will provide donuts, coffee, tea, milk and juice in the morning. Lunch will be provided consisting of sandwiches, relishes, and some donated desserts.
Travel and Housing: Participants will need to arrange their own travel and housing. If you get to Nashville or Lebanon via train, bus, or plane, we can pick you up and transport you during the program. There are a few members of the College Street congregation who have agreed to house a few adults (no children, please). This is limited, but if you want to try to arrange something, write to the college St Church of Christ (Attn: Linda Ezell, 134 S. College St., Lebanon, TN 37087 or call Linda (Phone: 615-144-9502). She is one of the secretaries who work with this Church.
Schedule: A tentative schedule and outline of the program is enclosed. Anyone may visit, but to be a participant and receive the free materials you must attend all sessions. The optional sessions are for anyone and are just that--optional. They are lessons on how to apply the things we are learning.
Babysitting: This is not a program for children. High school seniors and college students should be able to handle the material, but not below that. We Will hire some local members of the Church to babysit at the building during the daytime sessions if there is a need. This must be pre-arranged. At night, there will be a VBS children can attend.
Credit: In previous years, several colleges and school systems have been willing to give credit for things that we did. Giving them a copy of my credentials and the enclosed outline will help them decide if they will do so.
Registration: If you are interested in attending the 1999 Does God Exist? Summer Seminar in Lebanon, Tennessee, we need to hear from you. Pre-registration is requested. We must have adequate materials made up and the logistics of meals set up, etc. To do so requires us to know how many will be there.
June 21
10:00-1:00 Registration
1:00-1:30 Devotional
1:30-3:00 Session 1 Introductions
3:30-5:00 Session 2
7:00-8:30 Session 3*
June 22
8:00-8:30 Devotional
8:30-9:00 Coffee, tea, donuts, and quiz
9:00-10:30 Session 4
10:45-12:00 Session 5
1:00-2:30 Session 6
2:45-4:30 Special Session 1
7:00--8:30 Session 7*
June 23
8:00-8:30 Devotional
8:30-9:00 Coffee, tea, donuts, and quiz
9:00-10:30 Session 6
10:45-12:00 Session 9
1:00-2:30 Session 10
2:45-4:30 Special Session 2
7:00--8:30 Session 11*
June 24
8:00-8:30 Devotional
8:30-9:00 Coffee, tea, donuts, and quiz
9:00-10:30 Session 12
10:45-12:00 Session 13
1:00-2:30 Session 14
2:45-4:30 Special Session 3
7:00--8:30 Session 15*
8:45-10:00 Special Session 4
June 25
8:00-8:30 Devotional
8:30-9:00 Coffee, tea, donuts, and quiz
9:00-10:30 Session 16
10:45-12:00 Session 17 and close
*These sessions will be held with the College Street congregation included
Special Session 1
The use of evidences in instilling
faith in children
Special Session 2
Bible school problems and how to address
them--curriculum, logistics, special events
Special Session 3
The use of apologetics in helping
the Church grow through
Special Session 4
UFOs, ancient astronauts, the Bermuda
Triangle, Loch Ness, miracles, etc.
God Exist?
Seminar Syllabus
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