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The title of this article is Just Think! The picture is a bald man looking at the words printed on his forehead.

I would like you to think about something, and I mean really think about this for a moment. How did I get here! I am not talking about asking yourself what your purpose is, or if you are here for a reason. You will ask yourself that question in time. I am saying just think of where all of this came from — Earth, the life on Earth, and yes, the universe! I mean what is the possibility of this just happening? Here are some things to think about:

  • There are approximately 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
  • There are approximately 100 billion galaxies in the known universe. (It is important to note that we have not found the end of the universe as of yet.)
  • If you multiply those two numbers, you come up with 20 sextillion. That is 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars.
  • Out of those 20 sextillion stars we have yet to identify another planet like ours, but we are still looking.
  • There are between 10,000,000 and 30,000,000 species of insects on our planet. They are so numerous that no one really knows, each one different in its own way.
  • There are approximately 2,000,000 different marine species on our planet, and inside those species there are subspecies.
  • There are approximately 369,000 plant species on our planet, and inside those species there are subspecies.
  • There are approximately 9,500 different reptile species on our planet, and inside those species there are subspecies.
  • There are approximately 5,500 mammal species on our planet, and inside those species there are subspecies.
  • There are approximately 1,000,000 kinds of viruses on our planet.
  • There are approximately 10,000,000 different kinds of bacteria on our planet.

Given the incredible diversity of life on Earth, let us consider how it arrived here. All life as we know it has at least one thing in common. We are all made up of proteins. Let us take the established thought that the universe came into existence in an indescribable explosion from a particle smaller than a pinhead. The chances of one protein molecule being created in an unguided process from that beginning are 1 in 10 to the 64th power. That is one followed by 64 zeros. That number is so large that it is actually beyond what science considers a possibility. Now, remember, this is only one protein molecule, not in any way a complete single-celled life form. Many other factors would have to happen to create a single-celled life form. Each of those steps would be in the same realm of possibility as the protein molecule. This is not even considering the chances that one single-celled life form mutated to create all of the diversity of life that we have on this planet. The chances of that happening would be one in a number that stretches to infinity! In other words impossible!

With this information in mind, please consider the other alternative. We were created. We have meaning. We have purpose. We are loved and were created to show love. Please consider Jesus Christ. Please find a Bible and read it. There should be no excuse for not knowing him as our Creator and Savior.

If I am wrong, nothing bad happens. I live a good life and then when I die, I just stop. No other side, no conscious thought, no meeting friends and family, just nothing.

If however, I am right, then heaven is only for baptized believers. You can guess the rest.

Picture credits:
© drx. Image from BigStockPhoto.com